Berliner Gastgewerbe wirbt mit starken Argumenten

Eine Großstadt wie Berlin lockt Jahr für Jahr rund 150 Millionen Besucher an – mit steigender Tendenz. Und all diese Menschen benötigen natürlich auch eine Unterkunft, zumindest dann, wenn sie vorhaben, sich länger in der Stadt aufzuhalten. Allzu schwierig, ein [18059] zu finden, ist es allerdings nicht, denn in Berlin gibt es über 500 Hotels. Hier dürfte für jeden Geschmack und auch Anspruch das passende dabei sein.

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Der Flokati Teppich, ein griechisches Naturprodukt, das Tradition hat

Die meisten von uns werden schon mal einen Flokati Teppich zu Füßen gehabt haben, auch wenn er nicht jedem ein Begriff sein sollte. Doch wer diese Teppiche kennt, die oberflächlich wie ein Schaffell wirken und bereits in den 70er Jahren in vielen Wohnzimmern der letzte Schrei waren, der kennt auch die Flokati Teppiche.

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Scrapbook on hip hop music

Hip hop music has evolved over the years from an underground music scene in North America to one of the biggest commercial and cultural musical phenomena that the world has ever seen. There are many dedicated hip hop followers, who see their scene as a lifestyle choice complete with many elements, and not just a music style. There are hip hop collectors who collect artifacts from all the four elements of the hip hop lifestyle – DJing, rapping, graffiti and breakdancing. Hip hop music, hip hop lyrics, pictures and books on graffiti and movies and pictures on breakdancing can all be collected by real hip hop fans, often in deutsche Briefmarken sammeln (german stamp collecting) albums and DVD, MP3 and CD collections.

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Golf shop fundraising

Golfing is a sport which attracts millions of spectators each year. Each year people tune in to watch events such as the Ryder cup, where great golfing legends such as Tiger Woods can be seen doing what he does best. Tiger Woods who was born in 1975, is a golfer who was born in America, who has had worldwide success with his career in golfing, and his achievements to this point in time would without doubt rank him as one of the all time golfing greats. Tiger Woods can proudly take his place next to other great golfers such as Sandy Lyle, who 21 years ago gained his status as the first British golfer to ever win the masters, and with a shot which he took from the fairway bunker on the last hole of the competition. This shot not only gave him the title of winner that day, but meant that Sandy Lyle went on and began a four year domination of the big golfing titles. Sandy Lyle took his place in rankings against the likes of Nick Faldo and Ian Woosnam in the 1980’s and during the years 1986 to 1989 was in the top 10 Official World Golf Rankings for 167 weeks. This status as a fine golfer finally earned him an MBE for his efforts.

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Promoting Ethnic Relations on Golf Course

There is something special about the game of golf that brings people together. You never see politicians having an informal meeting while playing a game of baseball or tennis, but you do see it all the time on the golf course. Golf is a game that leads itself to discussion as well as to competition, to team building as well as winning. When needing to promote ethnic relations, you need somewhere that is safe ground for both parties. You need somewhere friendly and unimtimidating that belongs to neither group. There really is nowhere more perfect than a golf course and a nice friendly game of golf for the promotion of ethnic relations.

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